Brief Introduction : CAJ is the most comprehensive, full-text database of Chinese journals in the world. It contains more than 7,200 journals starting from 1915. As of September 2007, the full-text article count reached 23.5 million. Breakdown : 10 Series databases-Science and Engineering (ABC), Agriculture, Medicine/Hygiene, Literature/History/Philosophy, Economics/Politics/Law, Education/Social Science, Electronics/Information Science ; These are further divided into 168 Subject databases. Source : Full-text articles from 7,200 journals in mainland China, including core journals and specialty journals.
CCND selects core newspaper articles published in mainland China since 2000. As of August 2005, the article count exceeded 4.4 million. Breakdown : 10 Series databases- Literature/History/Philosophy, Politics/Military/Law, Economics, Education/Society, Science, Love/Marriage/Family/Health Source : 1,000 publicly issued newspapers in mainland China Product options : Online Internet Updates : CNKI central servers and mirror sites are updated daily.
CNKI CDMD (Doctoral and masters dissertations)
CDMD is the most comprehensive, highest quality database of dissertations and theses from 300 doctoral training institutions across in China. It includes 10 Series databases : Science and Engineering (ABC), Agriculture, Medicine/Hygiene, Literature/History/Philosophy, Economics/Politics/Law, Education/Social Science, Electronics/Information Science. The total count is close to 300,000 dissertations. Wangfang Data : Dissertations of China Being the most comprehensive database of this kind, the database of Dissertations of China (DOC) is very valuable to obtain in-depth knowledge of research activities by graduate students and therefore their graduate supervisors, most of who are esteemed scholars in China. The database holds full-text, or abstracts and other descriptive information of Masters, Doctoral, and Post-doctoral dissertations from KEY Chinese research institutions from 1986 onward. Document delivery service is available upon request. Coverage : From 1986 onward – Volume of the Database : (July 2009 ) : 1,447,941 dissertation titles, out of which 1,012,942 Full-text dissertations included – Update Rate : Monthly – Add over 150,000 theses and dissertations each year
Duxiu is a huge system which is composed of massive literature resources. Different from most other search engines, where one link to another is often the core offer, Duxiu provides content, backed by thousands of books and articles, 600,000,000 full text pages of them. It is a platform, which can fully reveal the content of the documents. It can offer efficient document delivery. The search capabilities have never been seen before ! It works its way through traditional search on title, author etc., and then search across table of contents and finally full text. This unique feature ensures information qualified for your search criterion is thoroughly searched, filtered and returned. Search results are then displayed with hyperlinks to the page(s) so you can read them online or request electronic deliveries to your personal email box.
Once you have reached your needed content, you can obtain them using an online ordering system called virtual reference service or online document delivery service. You can read 5 pages adjacent to the pages displayed, which returned, from your key word search. Multiply 5 pages by each displaying point, You could well end up with many pages as the key words appears in title, under subject, through table of contents and in the body text.
Airiti Library
Airiti Library is produced by Airiti, the first commercial online full-text database service in Taiwan to provide academic periodicals, thesis and dissertations, and conference proceedings. Airiti Library periodicals and thesis include thousands of academic periodicals from Chinese-speaking areas. Many of the articles are collected with the criteria of SCI, SSCI, EI, CA, TSSCI, Medline, CSSCI, Chinese Science Citation Database, Guide to the Core Journals of China, and other relevant standards, with no restrictions on languages or field. Since 2003, it has provided over millions of electronic full-text downloads in five academic fields including Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied Sciences, Medicine, and Life Sciences. Airiti Library thesis and dissertations include masters and doctoral thesis and dissertations from major universities and colleges in the Chinese-speaking regions, without restrictions on languages or field. Since 2006, it has provided tens of thousands of quality thesis and dissertations to researchers in various fields as critical references. Sources of thesis and dissertations include National Taiwan University, Taiwan National Tsing Hua University, National Chung Hsing University, Tamkang University, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Sang Medical University, Taipei National University of Technology, Yuan Ze University, Kaohsiung Medical University, China Medical University, Taipei National University of the Arts, Chang Jung Christian University, Kaohsiung Hospitality College, National Chi Nana University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Taipei University, Providence University, National Chengchi University, and University of Hong Kong. Airiti ArtOnline & TEPS Photo images and related description articles of all the collections exhibited in NPM Online are authorized by the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. “NPM Online” is a database application aimed at educational promotion and academic exchanges, which is available with versions of four languages, including traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, Japanese, and English. The production took more than one year. Presently the Japanese version is still under development.