

Brief Introduction : CAJ is the most com­pre­hen­sive, full-text data­base of Chinese jour­nals in the world. It contains more than 7,200 jour­nals star­ting from 1915. As of September 2007, the full-text arti­cle count rea­ched 23.5 mil­lion. Breakdown : 10 Series data­ba­ses-Science and Engineering (ABC), Agriculture, Medicine/Hygiene, Literature/History/Philosophy, Economics/Politics/Law, Education/Social Science, Electronics/Information Science ; These are fur­ther divi­ded into 168 Subject data­ba­ses. Source : Full-text arti­cles from 7,200 jour­nals in main­land China, inclu­ding core jour­nals and spe­cialty jour­nals.


CCND selects core news­pa­per arti­cles publi­shed in main­land China since 2000. As of August 2005, the arti­cle count excee­ded 4.4 mil­lion. Breakdown : 10 Series data­ba­ses- Literature/History/Philosophy, Politics/Military/Law, Economics, Education/Society, Science, Love/Marriage/Family/Health Source : 1,000 publi­cly issued news­pa­pers in main­land China Product options : Online Internet Updates : CNKI cen­tral ser­vers and mirror sites are upda­ted daily.

CNKI CDMD (Doctoral and masters dissertations)

CDMD is the most com­pre­hen­sive, highest qua­lity data­base of dis­ser­ta­tions and theses from 300 doc­to­ral trai­ning ins­ti­tu­tions across in China. It inclu­des 10 Series data­ba­ses : Science and Engineering (ABC), Agriculture, Medicine/Hygiene, Literature/History/Philosophy, Economics/Politics/Law, Education/Social Science, Electronics/Information Science. The total count is close to 300,000 dis­ser­ta­tions. Wangfang Data : Dissertations of China Being the most com­pre­hen­sive data­base of this kind, the data­base of Dissertations of China (DOC) is very valua­ble to obtain in-depth know­ledge of research acti­vi­ties by gra­duate stu­dents and the­re­fore their gra­duate super­vi­sors, most of who are estee­med scho­lars in China. The data­base holds full-text, or abs­tracts and other des­crip­tive infor­ma­tion of Masters, Doctoral, and Post-doc­to­ral dis­ser­ta­tions from KEY Chinese research ins­ti­tu­tions from 1986 onward. Document deli­very ser­vice is avai­la­ble upon request. Coverage : From 1986 onward – Volume of the Database : (July 2009 ) : 1,447,941 dis­ser­ta­tion titles, out of which 1,012,942 Full-text dis­ser­ta­tions inclu­ded – Update Rate : Monthly – Add over 150,000 theses and dis­ser­ta­tions each year


Duxiu is a huge system which is com­po­sed of mas­sive lite­ra­ture resour­ces. Different from most other search engi­nes, where one link to ano­ther is often the core offer, Duxiu pro­vi­des content, backed by thou­sands of books and arti­cles, 600,000,000 full text pages of them. It is a plat­form, which can fully reveal the content of the docu­ments. It can offer effi­cient docu­ment deli­very. The search capa­bi­li­ties have never been seen before ! It works its way through tra­di­tio­nal search on title, author etc., and then search across table of contents and finally full text. This unique fea­ture ensu­res infor­ma­tion qua­li­fied for your search cri­te­rion is tho­roughly sear­ched, fil­te­red and retur­ned. Search results are then dis­played with hyper­links to the page(s) so you can read them online or request elec­tro­nic deli­ve­ries to your per­so­nal email box.

Once you have rea­ched your needed content, you can obtain them using an online orde­ring system called vir­tual refe­rence ser­vice or online docu­ment deli­very ser­vice. You can read 5 pages adja­cent to the pages dis­played, which retur­ned, from your key word search. Multiply 5 pages by each dis­playing point, You could well end up with many pages as the key words appears in title, under sub­ject, through table of contents and in the body text.

Airiti Library

Airiti Library is pro­du­ced by Airiti, the first com­mer­cial online full-text data­base ser­vice in Taiwan to pro­vide aca­de­mic perio­di­cals, thesis and dis­ser­ta­tions, and confe­rence pro­cee­dings. Airiti Library perio­di­cals and thesis include thou­sands of aca­de­mic perio­di­cals from Chinese-spea­king areas. Many of the arti­cles are col­lec­ted with the cri­te­ria of SCI, SSCI, EI, CA, TSSCI, Medline, CSSCI, Chinese Science Citation Database, Guide to the Core Journals of China, and other rele­vant stan­dards, with no res­tric­tions on lan­gua­ges or field. Since 2003, it has pro­vi­ded over mil­lions of elec­tro­nic full-text down­loads in five aca­de­mic fields inclu­ding Humanities, Social Sciences, Applied Sciences, Medicine, and Life Sciences. Airiti Library thesis and dis­ser­ta­tions include mas­ters and doc­to­ral thesis and dis­ser­ta­tions from major uni­ver­si­ties and col­le­ges in the Chinese-spea­king regions, without res­tric­tions on lan­gua­ges or field. Since 2006, it has pro­vi­ded tens of thou­sands of qua­lity thesis and dis­ser­ta­tions to resear­chers in various fields as cri­ti­cal refe­ren­ces. Sources of thesis and dis­ser­ta­tions include National Taiwan University, Taiwan National Tsing Hua University, National Chung Hsing University, Tamkang University, Chung Yuan Christian University, Chung Sang Medical University, Taipei National University of Technology, Yuan Ze University, Kaohsiung Medical University, China Medical University, Taipei National University of the Arts, Chang Jung Christian University, Kaohsiung Hospitality College, National Chi Nana University, National Taiwan Normal University, National Taipei University, Providence University, National Chengchi University, and University of Hong Kong. Airiti ArtOnline & TEPS Photo images and rela­ted des­crip­tion arti­cles of all the col­lec­tions exhi­bi­ted in NPM Online are autho­ri­zed by the National Palace Museum, Taipei, Taiwan. “NPM Online” is a data­base appli­ca­tion aimed at edu­ca­tio­nal pro­mo­tion and aca­de­mic exchan­ges, which is avai­la­ble with ver­sions of four lan­gua­ges, inclu­ding tra­di­tio­nal Chinese, sim­pli­fied Chinese, Japanese, and English. The pro­duc­tion took more than one year. Presently the Japanese ver­sion is still under deve­lop­ment.